For all you plus size women out there that are sick of looking at the bikini-clad girls on the beach swatting the volleyball, and you chunky girls who can’t keep up with the trim chics jogging, the cyclists whizzing by, the yoga freaks bending, the Pilates divas focus on their […]
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1000 Places to See Before You Die – book review
Patricia Schultz has followed up her best selling book 1000 Places to See Before You Die which took her over 12 years to research and write, with another best seller focusing on sites in the United States and Canada. 1000 Places to See Before You Die in the US and […]
The Ghosts of Pine Ridge Indian Reservation
Sometimes we have to travel to the edge of ourselves to find our center. ~ Buck Ghosthorse Visitors to my Thin Places blog often ask, “what is a thin place?” My response is short – a thin place is a place where the veil between this world and the next […]
Bra + Kayaking = Major Discomfort
The older I get, the more I hate having to wear a bra. In fact, wearing a bra when you’re kayaking for hours gets old. Like many women, I am adept at unhooking the bra, sliding my arms out of the straps under my shirt and flinging the bra where-ever. […]
Winter Kayaking on Dividing Creek
WORCESTER AND SOMERSET COUNTIES – MARYLAND Launch Site – Winter Quarters, Pocomoke River Dan and I decided to sack working around the house for the day and instead headed out to explore some of Maryland’s inviting flatwater. Even in the winter, there are endless opportunities for kayak trips on the […]