Speaking / Training Platforms
Mindie Burgoyne is a professional speaker, trainer and storyteller who speaks on writing, small business marketing, and travel. She also provides storytelling sessions on the history folklore of the region east of the Chesapeake Bay.
Raising Your Writing Platform – How to position yourself as an opinion leader in your field or genre and get noticed – gaining a higher visibility in the literary marketplace.
Resources for researching local history – This 1 hour talk reveals numerous resources for uncovering lifestyles, traditions, cultural identities and historical landscapes in order to gain historical knowledge on a region to use when writing historical fiction or creative non-fiction.
Digital Tools for Writers – 16 digital tools writers can use to improve their performance and skills including Writers Block, Mindmapping and Goodreads. These tools aid with research, organization, editing, and marketing. (1 or 2-hour session)
Building an Online Reading Community – So many writers are excellent at connecting with other writers online. But other writers aren’t your market. Readers are. Learn how to engage readers and get them engaging with each other through online communities, newsletters, and social media. (1 hour).
How to Write Awesome Press Releases – Learn how to write Press Releases that will get your content printed and shared. Includes elements of an excellent press release, 10 of the best and worst press release examples and the benefits of using wire services. (1 hour)
Writing for the Web – Writing for print copy or writing in books is a different craft than writing web content. Web content is shorter, cleaner, and appears differently. Learn 10 techniques for writing web content that will get read. This includes the keys to Search Engine Optimization (SEO). (1 hour)
Harnessing the Power of Social Media – an overview of how access the tremendous networking and marketing power behind social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram YouTube and TikTok.( 2 or 3 hour session)
Blogging for Business – learning the blogging platform and how a blog (short for weblog) can become the personal “face” of your company, keep in touch with customers, attract attention and buzz, and be a tool for continually driving traffic to your website. (2 or 3 hour session)
Broadcast Yourself – Learn to deliver your good news in a creative, entertaining way and get found on YouTube or TikTok. This class gives an overview of how to use short videos about your products or services (or your message) and increase your exposure and help send your message to a whole new group of prospects. iMovie and ClipCut demonstrations are included. This class only hints about the technical expertise needed (showing that anybody can do this). Its main focus is the creative process of promoting your brand through video platforms. (2 or 3 hour session)
Closing the Sale with an E-Newsletter – The E-newsletter is still a huge factor in closing the sale of your product or service. Learn the basics in outlining, crafting, and marking an effective e-newsletter and building a database of subscribers. Several platform providers (Constant Contact, Mailchimp, and A-weber) will be discussed. By the end of this class, registrants will have all they need to plan out and send 12 e-newsletters. (1 hour)
Ten Tips for Travel to Ireland – For those who plan on traveling to Ireland, this webinar covers things most people ask about such as changing currencies (money), using a cell phone, what to wear, when to go, how to travel (bus, self-drive, self catering, B&B, hotel), crafting your itinerary, great “hidden” attractions and more.
The Art of Travel to Thin (mystical) Places – This session (live for your group or webinar) focuses on travel to mystical sites, sacred sites, and sites with strong earth energy. Learn how to travel to “thin places” where the veil between our physical world and the eternal world is thin. The experience can be life-changing. This session not only features background on some of the world’s most thin places, it also helps the registrant learn how to recognize when he or she is standing in two worlds at once. (1 to 2 hour session).
Mindie and the ghost walk guide staff from Chesapeake Ghost Walks can give live storytelling sessions on Eastern Shore folklore and haunted history. The sessions can be done in a formal setting such as a banquet or dinner, or an informal setting around a campfire. Choose from over 160 stories that can be categorized by county, town, or type of mystery (sea captain stories, elementals, phantom pets, women who haunt, haunted bridges, etc.). Indoor sessions include visual presentations that show the locations or people in the stories. Great for family reunions, before and after wedding parties, kids camps, historical society events, or for people who are unable to take participate in the walking tours. Invite Mindie or her guides to your venue and one of them can give a virtual tour (pictures and commentary) of many Eastern Shore towns and regions including Easton, Cambridge, Ocean City, Snow Hill, Berlin, Dorchester County, Talbot County, Caroline County and Somerset County.
What does the Host need to provide?
– The venue
– Live Internet connection
– Whiteboard with markers
– Projector & computer for PowerPoint presentation
– Travel expenses including overnight accommodations if the venue is more than 60 miles from Salisbury, MD.
Host also is a communication point for registration and payment. Attendees book directly through the host.
MORE INFORMATION – For more information on any of these sessions or to inquire about how to book see our Contact page.