The Travel Hags will meet on Saturday, August 6, 2011 at the Drawbridge Road Crossing of the Transquaking River near Cambridge, MD. From there, outfitters from Blackwater Paddle and Peddle will launch fifteen to twenty women (and maybe a few men) in kayaks down the Transquaking River for a leisurely […]
Author: Mindie Burgoyne
OBX – What’s the Draw? Travel Hag’s Take
The Outer Banks of the North Carolina Atlantic Coast – aka OBX – has a draw to it. There’s a palpable sense of place. The term OBX conjures up images of seaside cottages with porches and Adirondack Chairs, lighthouses, pirates and summer vacations. The book cover of Anne Rivers Siddons’ […]
Transquaking River Paddle – What NOT to do on a Kayaking Trip
We have a Travel Hag Adventure planned for July 23rd to paddle the Transquaking River in Lower Dorchester County near Blackwater Wildlife Refuge. A canal has been cut to connect two sections of the river making a five mile loop convenient for paddlers. Since we have a few beginners on […]
Travel Hag Campout at Janes Island – Great Success Despite the Storm
On a hot, sunny weekend in June, travel hags from Maryland and Delaware came together for a weekend of fun camping out in Janes Island State Park in Crisifeld, Maryland. We hitched up the r-pod camper to go the few short miles to Janes Island which is located at the […]
Camping for Beginners – never been? Go for it!
Revving up for our Travel Hag Campout this weekend in Janes Island, I discovered many of my hag friends have never been camping and are daunted by the thought of living outside with bugs and dirt with no place to pee. Camping is easy, especially with the great gear available […]
Kayaking – How Difficult is it?
Kayaking on flat water is something almost anyone can do easily. The hardest thing about kayaking is getting in and getting out. The benefits of operating a personal watercraft in such scenic settings as we have on the Eastern Shore are too many to mention here. Well save that for subsequent posts. This video shows two travel hags both over 60 with health challenges, getting into a kayak for the first time … and loving it.
Newgrange Passage Tomb – Spirals, Light and Stone
Newgrange passage tomb in the Boyne Valley – County Meath, Ireland is the oldest, fully in-tact building in Ireland, and probably in western Europe. According to Mary Gibbons who offers excellent tours of Newgrange, the tomb dates back 5000 years, predating the pyramids of Egypt, Stonehenge and all the other […]