Author: Mindie Burgoyne

Burgoyne House in Salisbury MD

Christmas Letter 2022

For the last 15 years, the salutation for my Christmas letter has been, “Merry Christmas from Marion Station.” I skipped sending a letter in 2021 because I was in the throes of moving to a new town. After Dan passed away in December of 2020, I left our Marion home.

Lone Birch Tree, Killarney, Ireland 2020.

Christmas Letter 2020

Merry Christmas from Marion Station. I write this to you from my 2nd story office, which has a panoramic view of the south side of my home. I’m fortunate to write while looking out through the treetops of magnolia, crape myrtle and maple trees. Today it’s gloomy and pouring rain which is good when one needs to be in a reflective mood.