The Chesapeake Bay Buy Boat Reunion was held this year (August 3-4, 2012) at Somers Cove Marina in Crisfield, Maryland. What’s a Buy Boat or Buyboat? It’s a boat whose captain would buy a waterman’s catch directly off that waterman’s boat, and then take the catch to one of […]
Art & Culture
Art Galleries, Museums, Heritage Sites, Ethnic Communities, Customs and Traditions
Address to a Haggis
The Travel Hag Campout at Elk Neck State Park was great fun despite the downpour over our pot-luck dinner. Eleven hags and hagmen participated, camping in tents, trailers and cabins at Elk Neck State Park– a 2100 acre, bay-side campground at the headwaters of the Chesapeake Bay. Though the hags […]
Time to Visit Tangier Island – Great Family Day Trip
Tangier Island is one of two inhabited off-shore islands (not connected by causeway) located in the Chesapeake Bay. Located in Virginia, Tangier Island is about 14 miles off the coast of Crisfield and has about 500 inhabitants, most making a living off the Bay by crabbing in the summer and […]
The Ghosts of Pine Ridge Indian Reservation
Sometimes we have to travel to the edge of ourselves to find our center. ~ Buck Ghosthorse Visitors to my Thin Places blog often ask, “what is a thin place?” My response is short – a thin place is a place where the veil between this world and the next […]