The Eastern Shore – that piece of land on the east side the Chesapeake Bay has scores of paddle trails for canoes and kayaks. With thousands of miles of shoreline lacing in and out of three states and with thirteen counties, there are a few trails that are worth traveling […]
Tag: eastern shore
Chincoteague Kayaking Adventure – 4 Hags, 4 Miles, 4 Hot Men
Part of the fun of being a Travel Hag is traveling with girlfriends. On May 18, 2013, four Hags met at Snug Harbor Marina on Chincoteague Island (2 brought their husbands) and launched kayaks for a four mile paddle out to Assateague Island in the rain. Actually 5 hags met, […]
Child Haunts Cry Baby Bridge in Marion Station
A four year old child named Annie haunts Cry Baby Bridge (formerly called Mill Dam Bridge). The Bridge runs over East Creek on L.Q. Powell Road in Marion Station, Somerset County, MD. The Haunted Legend The legend of a child haunting the bridge tells of a young mother and her […]
#3 Pocomoke River Canoe Company – Kayak and Paddle in Flat Water
Pocomoke River Canoe Company Part of the 100 Things to Do Between the Bridge and the Beach series The Pocomoke River Canoe Company can outfit you with a kayak or canoe, and offer guidance on traversing one of the most scenic flat water trails for kayaks and canoes. Every […]
#2 Unicorn Books – 30,000 Used and Rare Books
Unicorn Books in Trappe, Maryland Part of the 100 Things to Do Between the Bridge and the Beach series For 30 years, Unicorn Books has been located on the west bound side of Route 50 between Easton and Cambridge. Who would guess that there are over 30,000 […]
#1 Visit Harriet Tubman’s Birthplace
Harriet Tubman’s Birthplace Part of the 100 Things to Do Between the Bridge and the Beach series Every American child learns about Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad in elementary school. But how many people know that she was born and raised and did her rescuing on the Eastern […]
Where Are the Ghosts in Easton?
There are ghosts in Easton, the Eastern Shore’s second largest historic town. Easton’s name comes from once being the eastern capital of Maryland, and though there’s no need these days to have a capital city on the east side of the Chesapeake Bay, Easton is still an anchor on the […]